- SNCPT history
At the Potato Traders' Congress, André Martin proposes that the Syndicat National des Agents Commerciaux en Pommes de terre et oignons and the Syndicat National des Courtiers en Pommes de terre merge, with the mission of defending the interests of contracts between producers and sellers. The new union became known as the Syndicat National des Intermédiaires du commerce de la Pomme de terre et Oignons.
The union comprises 26 companies, and Francis Vaquié is elected president.
The union becomes the "Syndicat National des Courtiers en Pommes de Terre et Fruits et Légumes", or SNICPO.
The SNCPT is a member organization of the Comité National Interprofessionel de la Pomme de Terre (CNIPT), with two SNCPT members permanently sitting on its board of directors, and union members attending every commission organized by the CNIPT with the aim of advancing the potato industry.
Yves Roussineau is elected Chairman.
The SNCPT is a member of the Fédération Française des Syndicats des Courtiers en Marchandises (FFSCM), an integral part of the potato industry.
The SNCPT, as representative of the potato market, is mandated by the CNIPT to produce an impartial fortnightly quotation on potato prices.
Since then... the SNCPT writes a market chronicle for each issue of Potato Planet.
- How the SNCPT works
Le Syndicat National des Courtiers en Pomme de Terre
The Syndicat National des Courtiers en Pomme de terre is an association under the French law FR1901.
Missions :
The mission of the Syndicat National Interprofessionnel de la Pomme de Terre is to defend the interests of brokers and to represent brokers within interprofessional potato bodies (CNIPT, FFSCM…).
Board composition
To this end, management and decision-making are collegial, and the board is elected every three years. At each meeting, a secretary is appointed to record the minutes of the meeting.

- SNCPT members
Created over 20 years ago, SCNPT represents potato and onion brokers, and has sat on the CNIPT Board of Directors since its inception.

- 141 avenue de la Clua 06100 Nice
- 0661909376
- micheledesruelles@free.fr

- Assermenté
- 59 Le Centre 76220 La Feuillie
- 0680753034
- jbgrains@orange.fr

- Assermenté
- Rue Bécquerel – BP 21 53630 Pontivy
- 0607107503
- levesq@wanadoo.fr

Christelle Denis
- Arbitre RUCIP (Assermenté)
- 5 allée des chevaliers 45450
- 0788280774
- denis_christelle@orange.fr

- Arbitre RUCIP (Assermenté)
- 34 Avenue du président Wilson 75116 Paris
- 0607322662
- acqalbert@wanadoo.fr

- Arbitre RUCIP (Assermenté)
- 80 avenue de Suffren 75015 PARIS
- 0608370248
- yves@roussineau.fr

- 10 A rue des Amoureux 30000 Nimes
- 0686106944
- maison.mendel@wanadoo.fr
- SNCPT partners
As a representative of potato brokers, the SNCPT is represented in a number of inter-professions to build and promote the potato industry.

Comité National Interprofessionnel de la Pomme de Terre
The CNIPT is the interprofessional organization recognized by the French public authorities for the ware potato sector (ware and early), sold on the fresh market.
Its missions include
Knowledge of supply and demand
product quality and the establishment of technical standards and research and development programs
Providing information on sectors and products, and promoting them on domestic and foreign markets.

Conseil National des Courtiers de Marchandises Assermentés en France
A non-profit organization, it represents sworn freight brokers (CMAs) who have been sworn in by the courts of appeal.

Association du commerce Européen de pommes de terre.
This association brings together national institutions and companies involved in the trade of potatoes, seed potatoes or consumption potatoes from Europe.

Fédération Française des Syndicats de Courtiers de Marchandises
The SNCPT is a member of the FFSCM, Fédération des Syndicats Professionnels, a federation of commodities brokerage organizations.