Potato market chronicle September 2019

Publication authorJean-Marc Storper – SARL Maison Mendel

Potato market chronicle September 2019

The bluster of the previous campaign is well and truly over. Prices remain buoyant at very correct levels for a grubbing-up period, due to persistent drought. The open market is calm, with operators loading their contracts. The industry, which obtains its supplies from England and Holland (where crops have been better irrigated), is playing down the price in France, deliberately displaying unrealistically high prices. Back-to-school promotions are struggling to materialize, given the impossible grubbing-up conditions. In the absence of Bintje, some operations are being carried out with early varieties… But we’re going to have to get used to the idea in France that Bintje is gradually disappearing! This is a harsh reality for the end consumer, who has often enjoyed them since childhood. Exports are on the up! Spain and Italy are there, both in washable and packaged form, washed or unwashed. In this context of drought, shot (especially firm-fleshed shot) seems strangely to be the most sought-after product. The big question now is: “When will the saving rain come, enabling Hauts-de-France and Belgium to harvest in good conditions? What will we harvest, and will we be able to preserve it? As usual, we won’t know until the end of November, unless abnormal weather conditions permanently disrupt our calendar. We wish you all a good start to the campaign!