Potato market chronicle May 2023

Publication author: Silvana Paolozzi – Ets Jacques Albert

Potato market chronicle May 2023

A campaign that ends on a high note
with strong market dynamics, sustained general demand
with very good prices maintained throughout the year
prices maintained throughout the year.
Initially, the industry was expecting a sharp drop in
in potato production due to the extreme drought, with
extreme drought, with major yield losses.
What is the situation today? There is growing concern about a potential
potential water shortage this summer, while much of France
France is experiencing excess rainfall.
Will this be enough to reverse the trend?
We may be surprised, as there are major disparities
disparities between regions and countries, but we shouldn’t forget that
that water reserves are in deficit. The months ahead
tell us, but it’s too early to draw any conclusions.
What will be the consequences for quality?
The early harvest should take over now
but we already know that there are shortfalls
in the NEPG zone, in relation to the planted areas
in decline. Will we be able to count on Spanish primeurs?
Not so sure. Spain is experiencing major problems
drought. We can expect
much lower yields and a loss of size.
What can we expect for the 2023-24 campaign?
A lot of questions are being asked.
taken positions with contracts at much higher prices than
than in recent years, with the majority of contracts
of contracts. The rise in energy prices and galloping inflation
has undoubtedly enabled us to get back on track.
But will this be enough to meet the challenges, risks and
production? The questions are many.
What to plant? For fresh produce, for industry, what variety?
what treatment, to counter the surprises
of more unstable weather than ever…
To be continued.